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How long does FedEx Express shipping take from China to the USA?

FedEx’s delivery time from China to the United States is affected by many factors, including but not limited to the following:

  • Origin: Delivery time may vary from country to country.
  • Package type: Document packages are usually processed faster than cargo packages.
  • Season and holidays: During peak seasons or holidays, there may be a certain degree of delay.

The delivery time for FedEx international express from mainland China to the United States is generally as follows:

  1. FedEx International Priority: about 2-5 working days.
  2. FedEx International Economy: about 5-7 working days.

This is just a rough reference range. The actual delivery time may vary depending on the specific situation. During special periods, such as the epidemic, logistics may be affected to a certain extent, resulting in longer delivery time.

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